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2-11 years old
The child must be at least 4 years old and less than 12 years old at the time of travel
< 2 years old
12-17 years old
You'll be able to select an optional assistance at the services step
18-24 years old
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Lowest fare

*Price including taxes, subject to availability, for one adult.
All fares are rounded up to the nearest euro/dollar.

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Votre retour
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Lowest fare

*Price including taxes, subject to availability, for one adult.
All fares are rounded up to the nearest euro/dollar.

  • Add a Stopover to your journey
  • Combine all your travel wishes in a single reservation
  • Book multiple flights without too much effort!

Destination Punta Cana

Book your flight to Punta Cana from 738 $

Flight Side

Don’t wait any longer, find your low-cost flight!

The weather in Punta Cana




July 5 2024




July 6 2024




July 7 2024




July 8 2024




July 9 2024




July 10 2024




July 11 2024




July 12 2024




July 13 2024

Sea Side

  • Get away and discover the many perfect beaches of the Dominican Republic.
  • Go and bathe in the Indigenous Eyes Eco-Park.
  • Wander around Macao Beach with its white sands and turquoise waters.
  • Get the full view and do some scuba-diving.
  • Dare to defy the lagoon with an underwater trip.
  • Stop off at Dolphin Island.
  • Between snorkeling, water-skiing, surfing, jet skiing, kite-surfing, paddle-tennis, and windsurfing...take your pick!

Land Side

Would you rather discover the island? Hiking in the Dominican Republic is absolutely magical! Find your Paris to Punta Cana return flight now.

  • Ride a dune-buggy in the Dominican Republic.
  • For golf-lovers this dream destination is unknown terrain!
  • Discover the Dominican Republic by 4x4 or mountain bike.
  • Do the eco-tour of Punta Cana by Segway.
  • Escape routine and get away on a memorable safari.
  • Brave the 3087-meter altitude of the Duarte Peak.

Relaxation Side

Do you want to get a plane ticket to Punta Cana and take advantage of warm sand, turquoise lagoons, and sunshine? You have chosen well! There’s nothing better than resting on the beach to unwind, sunbathe, relax, and not think about anything. Wherever you look, the Dominican Republic will have the necessary waves of comfort for you. Find your flight with no stopovers to Punta Cana now. Make the most of your stay in the Dominican Republic to unwind in a dream world! Don’t wait any longer. Make the most of our low-cost flights to Punta Cana.

Food Side

Are you fond of new culinary discoveries? The Dominican Republic has everything to please you! Of course...

  • Taste the casabe, a succulent unleavened bread.
  • Try chulitos, delicious small donuts.
  • Bacalaito, a typical Dominican breaded hake dish.
  • Les Pasteles en hojas, small succulent pastry packets.
  • Mondongo soup, perfect mix of vegetables and meat.
  • For dessert, experiment with arroz con leche, rice in an aromatic milk flavored with brown sugar and citrus.

Culture Side

Punta Cana also has a blended, rich, and interesting culture!

  • The Dominican Republic is a perfect mix of European, African, and indigenous influences.
  • You can find this fusion in its food, art, music, sports, and religion.
  • Punta Cana makes you feel how old it is and its modernity all at once.
  • Dominican crafts often take the form of amber, bone, nutshell, and coconut jewelry.
  • Between clay and porcelain, Punta Cana offers a local art all its own.

Luggage Side

In Punta Cana, it is a warm and tropical climate all year round! The months that experience the most rain are from May to October.

  • Take light clothes for the daytime as the climate stays warm and humid.
  • For the evening, when temperatures cool down, think to pack clothes that can lightly cover you, as these will help fight off mosquitoes!

Shall we book your Paris to Punta Cana return flight ?


Book a flight to Punta Cana

Paris Orly

Punta Cana


*Price including taxes, subject to availability, for one adult.
All fares are rounded up to the nearest euro/dollar.