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2-11 years old
The child must be at least 4 years old and less than 12 years old at the time of travel
< 2 years old
12-17 years old
You'll be able to select an optional assistance at the services step
18-24 years old
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Lowest fare

*Price including taxes, subject to availability, for one adult.
All fares are rounded up to the nearest euro/dollar.

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Votre retour
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Lowest fare

*Price including taxes, subject to availability, for one adult.
All fares are rounded up to the nearest euro/dollar.

  • Add a Stopover to your journey
  • Combine all your travel wishes in a single reservation
  • Book multiple flights without too much effort!

Destination Paris

Flight information

What are you waiting for? Find your low cost flight!

Places to visit

Paris has a thousand symbolic places for you to discover, from history to architecture and on through fashion, your eyes will be amazed!

  • The famous and unmissable Eiffel Tower
  • Avenue des Champs-Elysees
  • The Arc de Triomphe
  • The Champs-de-Mars
  • The Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Montmartre
  • The Louvre Palace
  • The Place de la Bastille

So, are you tempted by a cheap flight to Paris

Places to relax

While Paris is still a very active city, you can still find some nice corners to relax in tranquility.
So leave the stress, the ring road and blaring horns behind, and follow the guide!

  • The garden of Serres d'Auteuil
  • The Buttes-Chaumont Park
  • The museum of romantic life
  • The Rodin Museum
  • The Jardin des Plantes (botanical gardens)
  • A walk along the René Dumont green pathway

Parisian gastronomy

If Paris is recognized for one thing in particular, it is gastronomy! Between cold meats, wines, dishes in sauce, appetizers and pastries, there is quite some choice! Not booked your cheap flight to Paris yet?

  • Croque monsieur
  • Soupe cressonnière (watercress soup)
  • Hachis Parmentier (mashed potato and beef stew)
  • Céleri rémoulade (raw vegetable salad)
  • Œufs mimosas (deviled eggs)
  • PARISIAN flan (custard tart)
  • Paris-Brest (choux puff)
  • The classic mille-feuille with crème patissière (vanilla or custard slice)
paris travel

Getting around Paris

For those who do not know Paris, it can sometimes be difficult to navigate between the different means of transport, districts, neighborhoods... But as you know, French bee thinks of you and is your guide for everything!

The different methods of transport in Paris:

How can you possibly refuse a cheap flight to Paris?

 travel paris

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*Price including taxes, subject to availability, for one adult.
All fares are rounded up to the nearest euro/dollar.