website publisher

This website is the property of the company FRENCH BEE

FRENCH BEE, Simplified Joint-Stock Company with a capital of 10 960 390 Euros, with registered office located at Actipole 85, 85170 Belleville-sur-vie and registered under the number 520 168 030 RCS La Roche-sur-Yon.

VAT identification number: FR 15 520 168 030

SIRET number: 520 168 030 00010

NAF code: 5110Z

  • Responsible Editor:


  • Conception, design, website development:


SMILE, 163 Quai du Dr Dervaux, 92600 Asnières-sur-Seine, Registered with the R.C.S of Nanterre B under the number 378 615 363, Telephone number: 01 41 40 11 00.

  • Visual and design credits:

Destination visuals: Ministry of Tourism of the Dominican Republic Alizé Studio, Shutterstock

Aircraft visuals: AIRBUS and photography by Daniel Beldent

Other visuals: Getty, Shutterstock

  • Web-host:

ALTERWAY, 1 rue royale, Bat D, 227, les Bureaux de la colline, 92210 St Cloud, Registered with the R.C.S of Nanterre B under the number 490 932 308, Telephone number: 01 41 16 34 95.